Galician Paths toward the Ukrainian Standard Language: the Grammars of Mykhajlo Osadca (1862/1864) and Pylyp Djačan (1865) Cover Image

Galizische Wege zur ukrainischen Standardsprache: die Grammatiken von Mychajlo Osadca (1862/1864) und Pylyp Djačan (1865)
Galician Paths toward the Ukrainian Standard Language: the Grammars of Mykhajlo Osadca (1862/1864) and Pylyp Djačan (1865)

Author(s): Michael Moser
Subject(s): Morphology, Historical Linguistics, Eastern Slavic Languages
Published by: AV ČR - Akademie věd České republiky - Slovanský ústav and Euroslavica
Keywords: grammars of the Ukrainian language; history of the Ukrainian language; the Ukrainian language in Galicia; Galician populists (Narodovci);

Summary/Abstract: The revival of the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) popular movement in the 1860s (the “Narodovci” period) was accompanied by a new generation of grammars of the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) language: Mykhajlo Osadca’s grammar of 1862 was used in gymnasia, Pylyp Djačan’s — in elementary schools. Both authors were Greek Catholic clergymen from the larger Ternopil area who had been students at the Institute of Slavic Studies in Vienna before they became teachers in the Academic gymnasium of Lviv and published their works in Lviv’s Stauropegial Institute. Nonetheless, their linguistic norms differed significantly, as did their attitude toward typically Galician and non-Galician language practices. Both works look antiquated against the background of grammars that were published only slightly later, such as Omeljan Partyc’kyj’s grammar of 1873. Their shortcomings and mutual contradictions notwithstanding, these two grammars contributed to the gradual establishment of Modern Standard Ukrainian.

  • Issue Year: XCI/2022
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 385-422
  • Page Count: 38
  • Language: German
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