Religious secular catholic associations in rural parishes of Kielecczyzna in Kielce diocesis after II World War (1945–1949) Cover Image

Zrzeszenia religijne katolików świeckich w parafiach wiejskich kielecczyzny na terenie diecezji kieleckiej… po II wojnie światowej (1945–1949)
Religious secular catholic associations in rural parishes of Kielecczyzna in Kielce diocesis after II World War (1945–1949)

Author(s): Marcin Rokita
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion, History of Religion
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Kielcach
Keywords: religious fraternities; diocese of kielce; church movement; religious affiliations; religious associations;

Summary/Abstract: The presented article presents a historical and statistical analysis of pastoral activity in the rural areas of the Kielce region after the Second World War and aims to show the variety of forms of associations of lay Catholics and the range of their influence in the parishes of the Diocese of Kielce. The research material consisted of manuscript sources held in the Diocesan Archive in Kielce and printed by the Diocesan Curia in Kielce in the periodical: “Kielecki Przegląd Diecezjalny” in years 1945–1949 and “Katalog Duchowieństwa i Parafii Diecezji Kieleckiej za rok 1946”. During the researched time, the most flourishing activities were: Rosary Confraternity, Living Rosary Circles, Eucharistic Crusade and Marian Sodalities. These associations, at this difficult moment in history, were an attempt to oppose the religious decay of the country. They were the Church’s response to secularisation and the increase of atheism, and contributed to the formation of a Catholic elite.

  • Issue Year: 2022
  • Issue No: 21
  • Page Range: 65-83
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Polish
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