What are the Reasons for Low Performance of Minority
Employees in an Organization? Cover Image

What are the Reasons for Low Performance of Minority Employees in an Organization?
What are the Reasons for Low Performance of Minority Employees in an Organization?

Author(s): Ciprian LUȘCAN
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Human Resources in Economy
Published by: EDITURA ASE
Keywords: management; minorities; discrimination; organizations; performance;

Summary/Abstract: Minority communities face a great disadvantage when it comes to the labor market. Categorizing an individual as belonging to a certain group leads to the so- called social discrimination of the individual. This behaviour results in automatic exclusion from the community. Behaviours of this kind carried out over an unlimited time horizon end up having negative effects on society, so we could make an analogy to liken these behaviours to an "incubator" that generates local conflicts. Racial and ethnic minorities are underrepresented in the upper echelons of the business hierarchy even when they comprise a large portion of the industry's workforce. There are various ways to create an inclusive workplace environment for minorities. An example of such a method is for human resource personnel and managers to promote respect for minorities who wish to express their identity in the workplace. Ethnic identity is a complex phenomenon and one that organizations must embrace if they are to be inclusive and achieve maximum performance from all employees.

  • Issue Year: 23/2022
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 495-502
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: English
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