Activitatea didactică și culturală a basarabeanului Axinte Frunză la Iași (sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea - primele decenii ale secolului XX)
The Teaching and Cultural Activity of the Bessarabian Axinte Frunză in Iași (the end of the 19th Century - the First Decades of the 20th Century)
Author(s): Eugen-Tudor SclifosSubject(s): History, Cultural history, Local History / Microhistory, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
Published by: Editura Muzeelor Literare
Keywords: Axinte Frunză; teacher; Iași; Bessarabia; culture;
Summary/Abstract: The article traces the activity of Axinte Frunză as a Latin language teacher at the “C. Negruzzi” College in Iași and as a man of culture. Born in Bessarabia in 1859, Axinte Frunză was pursued by the Russian secret police, managed to cross the Prut river and settled in Iași, where he spent most of his life. In 1897 he became a teacher at “C. Negruzzi” College. In 1913, he became a collaborator of the Iași magazine “Viața românească”, where he published articles, short stories, but also translations of various Russian writers: Vladimir Korolenko, Anton Chekhov. In 1915, he published the book România Mare (The Greater Romania) in which he talks about the necessity of uniting Bessarabia with Romania. Three years later, he published the Grammar of the Romanian Language for the Bessarabians.
Journal: Anuarul Muzeului Naţional al Literaturii Române laşi
- Issue Year: XV/2022
- Issue No: XV
- Page Range: 95-102
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Romanian