Поколението на прехода в България и сантименталният наратив на увреждането
The Generation of the Transition in Bulgaria and the Sentimental Narrative of Disability
Author(s): Galina GoncharovaSubject(s): History, Social Sciences, Sociology, Oral history, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Social differentiation, Sociology of Culture, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
Published by: Фондация за хуманитарни и социални изследвания - София
Keywords: generation; transition to democracy; sentimental narrative; over-responsible mothering; disability activism
Summary/Abstract: This article analyses the cultural and historical background of the sentimental narrative of disability in Bulgaria. By ‘sentimental narrative’ the author means the narrative of living with disability which portrays the disabled either as heroes who overcome physical/mental limitations and social barriers and succeed in certain professional fields, or as martyrs and victims doomed to endless social suffering without any hope for a ‘normal’ future. This narrative is constructed and reproduced by the generation of the post-1989 transition in Bulgaria, which has lived through various economic and social crises and met the challenges of deinstitutionalization and the move away from the medical model of disability. Despite its key role in raising public awareness of the problems of people with physical and cognitive limitations/impairments, this generation has failed in its attempt to construct a consolidating, emancipatory narrative of disability in Bulgaria.
Journal: Критика и хуманизъм
- Issue Year: 2/2021
- Issue No: 55
- Page Range: 87-106
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF