Personalism of the International Maritime Mission: The Basis for the Psychological Recognition of a Seafarer as a Person Cover Image

Tarptautinės jūrų misijos personalizmas: jūrininko kaip asmens psichologinio pripažinimo bazė
Personalism of the International Maritime Mission: The Basis for the Psychological Recognition of a Seafarer as a Person

Author(s): Saulius Lileikis
Subject(s): Social psychology and group interaction, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion
Published by: Visuomeninė organizacija »LOGOS«
Keywords: Seafarer; person; sea mission; pastoral care; value;

Summary/Abstract: The article discusses the personalistic activities of the Roman Catholic International Maritime Mission by basing and revealing a ship employee as a person at the historical anthropological and axiological praxeological levels. The idea of the person in the sacred origins of the International Maritime Mission is monotheistically based on the Judeo-Christian faith in the Creator of the universe as the Great Person. The attitude of Judaism towards a human being who, thanks to kenosis, is the most noble and most valuable person in Christianity, is very deep. The activities of Jesus as a teacher on the subject of the sea have an important place in the New Testament. They provide a conceptual sacral basis for the idea of a seafarer as a person in the International Maritime Mission, which being the world’s largest network of visits and service to seafarers, is personalistic. It contributes, as far as possible, to the improvement of seafarers’ lives on a global scale. The mission promotes a comprehensive approach to a seafarer as a person with a range of his/her recognized needs, from domestic, legal to psychological and spiritual.

  • Issue Year: 2022
  • Issue No: 113
  • Page Range: 57-64
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Lithuanian