O cyklach integracji, dezintegracji
i reintegracji w życiu politycznym
Cycles of integration, desintegration
and reintegration in political life
Author(s): Mirosław KarwatSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Political Theory, Political psychology
Published by: Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych UW
Keywords: integration; disintegration; reintegration; positive disintegration; negation; process; cycle
Summary/Abstract: Transformations of ideological systems, institutional structures, models of political order and socio-political movements are cyclical processes of integration, disintegration, reintegration of large social groups and communities occurring due to changes in the circumstances of their functioning, reevaluation of the criteria for the validity of social demand, revision of the designators of collective identity. The recurrence of such paradoxical recurrences (although in altered conditions and forms) of what seemed to have been overcome is ruled by dialectical laws: the contradictory nature of any phenomena, self-denial or negation via alternative factors, and then negation of negation. This explains the paradoxical continuity in the variability of ideas, structures, patterns of action, symbols, political rituals.
Journal: Studia Politologiczne
- Issue Year: 66/2022
- Issue No: 66
- Page Range: 9-35
- Page Count: 27
- Language: Polish