Decorative Drawings in Rhythmically Organized Drawings, as a Form of Building Motor Skills and Feelings of Coherence in Preschool Children Cover Image

Декоративното рисуване в ритмично организираните рисунки, като форма на изграждане на двигателни умения и усещания за съгласуваност у децата в предучилищна възраст
Decorative Drawings in Rhythmically Organized Drawings, as a Form of Building Motor Skills and Feelings of Coherence in Preschool Children

Author(s): Yoanna Dimitrova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Preschool education
Published by: Тракийски университет
Keywords: decorative drawings; motor skills; preschool children

Summary/Abstract: When creating decorative drawings, preschool children build stylized forms – elements and ornaments, rhythmically connected in decorative compositions. The use of rhythm as the main mean of expression is the basis for the improvement of controlled motor skills, which are a necessary condition for the construction of written speech. Developing a sense of coherence between the individual elements and connecting them into a single whole is the challenge in building a decorative composition. The use of an exact number of decorative elements and their logical and rhythmic alternation in the composition help to build a sense of coherence and perfection in the decorative drawings of preschool children.

  • Issue Year: 2021
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 50-55
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Bulgarian
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