Valuing obese people in the Wordnet of Polish Cover Image

Wartościowanie osób z otyłością w polskim wordnecie
Valuing obese people in the Wordnet of Polish

Author(s): Dorota Pazio-Wlazłowska
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Communication studies, Language acquisition, Sociolinguistics, Theory of Communication
Published by: Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy (WSG)
Keywords: obese people; evaluation; Polish language; wordnet; axiological linguistics

Summary/Abstract: The article presents a way of evaluation of obese people in the Wordnet (Słowosieć)− a relational semantic dictionary of the Polish language available on-line at Three dimensions in which an obese person is evaluated are analyzed:appearance, activities undertaken, relationships with the environment. The study shows thatthe obese person is too big, common, clumsy, annoying and disgusting. Obese people do nottake care of themselves, because they are lazy. Lexicon characterized obese people is valuednegatively, which can be seen both in expositions, emotional annotations „strong negative”,„weak negative”, as well as in examples of use.

  • Issue Year: 2022
  • Issue No: 12
  • Page Range: 95-107
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Polish
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