Limbajul românesc al modei şi fenomenul schimbării lingvistice
The Romanian Language of Fashion and the Phenomenon of Linguistic Change
Author(s): Bianca-Maria LucanuSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
Keywords: linguistic transformation; creativity in language; the language of fashion; words and phrases with international circulation;
Summary/Abstract: Our article aims to describe some characteristics of the language of fashion, probably the most dynamic of contemporary languages. The phenomenon of creativity and linguistic change is also evident in the Romanian language of fashion which, in less than 50 years, has undergone spectacular and profound transformations, especially at the phonetic and lexical levels
Journal: Meridian critic
- Issue Year: XL/2022
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 399-403
- Page Count: 5
- Language: Romanian