The Kitsch Effect. The Heritage of Grotowski and Swinarski in the Polish Theater Cover Image

Efekt kiczu. Dziedzictwo Grotowskiego i Swinarskiego w polskim teatrze
The Kitsch Effect. The Heritage of Grotowski and Swinarski in the Polish Theater

Author(s): Grzegorz Niziolek
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts
Published by: Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
Keywords: Theatre; Grotowski; Swinarski; Kitsch effect; Broch; Myth; Barthes; National community; Anti-history

Summary/Abstract: Grzegorz Niziołek analyzes the late plays of Jerzy Grotowski and Konrad Swinarski from the perspective of the “kitsch effect,” a notion borrowed from the writings of Hermann Broch – conceived as a forfeiture of critical powers and, simultaneously, an emotional closure to the reception of a theatrical presentation – and Roland Barthes’s concept of the myth. The author puts forward the following thesis: “the sheer power of such plays as Forefather’s Eve and The Liberation or The Constant Prince and Apocalypsis cum figuris disabled the Polish theater, stupified it, created fields of exaltation tied to the experience of mythic totality, fusing historical and religious images into one.” As such, theater served as a medium for incarnating, updating, and ritualizing collective and religious myths.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 105
  • Page Range: 9-13
  • Page Count: 5
  • Language: Polish
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