Jak utrzymać skupienie uwagi u dorosłych kursantów na zajęciach z języka obcego? Wybrane przykłady zadań angażujących umysł w ramach emotionally competent stimuli
How to keep adult students focused on foreign language classes
Author(s): Anna CIEPIELEWSKA-JANOSCHKASubject(s): Foreign languages learning
Published by: Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji
Keywords: education; classes; learning; language; didactic; mind
Summary/Abstract: Currently, one can see diverse attitudes to learning foreign languages. It is a result of usage of practices based on available didactic methods enriched additionally with information and communication techniques. Nevertheless, effective education is also one in which the teacher, in addition to a wide spectrum of skills, would also have basic knowledge in the field of neurolinguistics and neurodidactics. This includes understanding how the brain is involved in the process of foreign language acquisition and how to conduct classes in a “brain-friendly” way. It is already known today that (even if the topic turns out to be interesting) the student’s attention weakens after 10 minutes, while after 20 minutes his brain turns off for a short time. After a short break, attention “returns”, but according to research, the attention of the learner is attracted by issues unrelated or not fully related to the content he has just been introduced to. Knowing that this is happening, the teacher can successfully face it by resorting to stimuli that induce emotional involvement, called emotionally competent stimuli. This article presents examples of tasks that, when used during classes, will contribute to the refocus of attention in learners.
Journal: Języki Obce w Szkole
- Issue Year: 2023
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 61-67
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Polish