John Paul II’s Homilies and Speeches on “Marriage and the Family” During His Pilgrimages to Africa Cover Image

Homélies et discours de Jean-Paul II sur «le mariage et la famille» lors de ses pèlerinages en Afrique
John Paul II’s Homilies and Speeches on “Marriage and the Family” During His Pilgrimages to Africa

Author(s): Francis Materne
Subject(s): Theology and Religion
Published by: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II - Wydział Teologii
Keywords: homily; speech; John Paul II; marriage; family; pilgrimage; Africa; indissolubility; Communio personarum; imago Dei; sacrament

Summary/Abstract: This article is an analysis of John Paul II’s homilies and speeches on family and marriagein Africa. The Holy Father presents the family and marriage as originating from theplan of God. The family and marriage life is a participation in the divine plan of God. Themain objective of the article is to show their transcendent origin in order to be able to acteffectively against polygamy and other evils, which prevail in various African cultures.This article is a comparative approach to the unity of persons in marriage and in the familyas a reflection of the Holy Trinity and the sacramental presence of Christ in the Church.It also aims to show how the issue of family and marriage (described by John Paul II)appears as a voice of hope for the restoration of God’s project on these realities in Africa,in the sociological, anthropological and theological dimensions.

  • Issue Year: 17/2023
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 115-135
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: French
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