The monthly issue “Vardar ”, edited by Krste Petkov Misirkov in 1905 and the Macedonian question Cover Image

The monthly issue “Vardar ”, edited by Krste Petkov Misirkov in 1905 and the Macedonian question
The monthly issue “Vardar ”, edited by Krste Petkov Misirkov in 1905 and the Macedonian question

Author(s): Ljupčo Risteski
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
Published by: Институт за етнологија и антропологија, Универзиетет »Св. Кирил и Методиј«
Keywords: Vardar journal; Krste Petkov Misirkov; Macedonians; Macedonian question; Macedonia

Summary/Abstract: The first and only edition of the journal “Vardar” was published on September 1, 1905, in Odessa under the editorship of Krste Petkov Misirkov. K. Misirkov. His aim and goal were to attract the attention of the general public in the region and in Europe toward the “Macedonian question” and to the Macedonian national separatists’ program and followers (as Misirkov calls himself and his followers), while facing opponents with a series of arguments and negating those that deny the existence of a separate, Slavic, Macedonian nation. K. Misirkov published an article devoted to the emergence and interpretations of the Serbian and Bulgarian theories on the Macedonian nationality where he clearly points to the official stances and both sides’ non-recognition of the distinctiveness of the Macedonian nationality, which in turn were reflected in the official territorial claims of the neighboring Bulgarian and Serbian states toward Macedonia. The following article of “Vardar” presents statistical data for villages: their names, populations according to nationality, land ownership, number of houses and affiliation to the Southern Macedonian kazas, specifically Pazar, Thessaloniki, Gevgelija and Kukuš.

  • Issue Year: 2022
  • Issue No: 22
  • Page Range: 197-267
  • Page Count: 36
  • Language: English
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