Drugie pokolenie” katechetów wobec przemian społeczno-kulturowych w Autonomii Galicyjskiej (1867-1918). Ciągłość instytucji a dynamika zmian
The “Second Generation” of Catechists Facing Social and Cultural Changes in the Autonomy of Galicia: Institutional Continuity and the Dynamics of Change
Author(s): Czesław Chrząszcz, Grzegorz GodawaSubject(s): Philosophy, Education, Local History / Microhistory, History of Education, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Keywords: youth; catechist; religious education; conservatism; Autonomy of Galicia
Summary/Abstract: Religious education in secondary schools in the Autonomy of Galicia (1867–1918) was provided by two generations of catechists. The first of them performed their duties in the environment conducive to the static forms of work. In the last decade of the 19th century, irreversible cultural and social changes started to take place. The relevance of attitudes and methods adopted at that time was questioned. These changes were directly related to the dynamic growth in the number of students and the development of the educational infrastructure. The change in the catechists’ attitudes was reconstructed. It was based on the analysis of historical sources, which made it possible to determine and characterise the “second generation” of catechists. The new generation of priests who started to work at the turn of the century were well-educated and had the courage to undertake the new forms of work with the youth. This generation developed innovative methods of both school and out-of-school educational influences and succeeded in reaching the youth with the message about permanent values in a new, attractive way. Such educational activities are an example of pedagogical conservatism which assumes that permanence and dynamism are two elements of the same reality.
Journal: Polska Myśl Pedagogiczna
- Issue Year: 8/2022
- Issue No: 8
- Page Range: 295-313
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Polish