Към изследване на барабанните стилове, свързани с фолклорна музика от България: някои възгледи за метроритмиката
Towards a Study of the Drumming Styles Associated with Folk Music from Bulgaria: Notions on Meter and Rhythm
Author(s): Borislav PetrovSubject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music
Published by: Институт за изследване на изкуствата, Българска академия на науките
Keywords: ethnomusicology; meter; rhythm; Bulgarian wedding music; drumming styles
Summary/Abstract: In the 21st century, a large part of folklore-based music, popular and jazz music with folklore elements is developing very dynamically in Bulgaria. One of the most essential directions of this development concerns meter and rhythm. Local drumming styles, in turn, have a leading role in the emergence of completely new, more complex and multi-layered metric events unknown in earlier forms of folk music. In order to analyze these metric phenomena in the context of the new musical currents, a new approach to metric analysis and a new set of terminological tools are needed. The present text is a step towards delineating a research framework, tracking in a synthesized way the most important views on meter and rhythm both in Bulgarian musicology (Dobri Hristov, Vasil Stoin, Stoyan Djoudjeff, Todor Djidjev, etc.) and in foreign musicology. Recent researchers, such as Neil Fracile, Aleksandra Vojcic, Daniel Goldberg, etc. appeal for a working methodology for the analysis of “non-isochronous” meters and approaches to rhythmic and metrical analysis that are standardized and compatible with each other. Besides foreign scholars, serious attempts in that direction at the beginning of the 21st century were made by the Bulgarian theorist Kalin Stanchev Kirilov, who has now lived and developed his research activity in the USA for over two decades. He presents a set of terms for analyzing the intricate metric phenomena in the music performed by Bulgarian wedding bands in the 1980s and seeks commonality between established concepts in Bulgarian musicology, the theoretical concepts of Western European music theory, and the latest studies in contemporary American ethnomusicology. Some of these views create a prerequisite for the introduction of new terms specifically related to the study of drumming styles related to folk music from Bulgaria.
Journal: Българско музикознание
- Issue Year: 2023
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 104-125
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF