Konzervatívnak lenni az internet korában
Being Conservative in the Internet Age
Author(s): J. C. Kristóf NyíriSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Gondolat Kiadó
Keywords: conservatism; tradition; communication technologies; secondary orality; Internet; stabilities
Summary/Abstract: If it is to mean more than just an instinctive aversion to innovation, or nostalgia for an epoch we have never personally experienced, indeed for an epoch that never existed, conservatism should amount to a functional theory of preservation amidst spontaneous or controlled social changes. This paper argues for the indispensability of, and hence the need for preserving, certain elements of to-day’s lifeworld which are endangered by the rise of global computer networks, that is, by the rise of a new communications technology, even though in the long run the new technology cannot do without these elements either. However, in the strict sense of the word, traditions today are neither possible nor desirable. As an alternative, the author proposes a frame of reference, not of traditions, but of specific stabilities, articulated in contrast to the specific fluidities/virtualities of networked communication: real locations, unchanging documents, and personal relationships.
Journal: Információs Társadalom
- Issue Year: 2006
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 9-17
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Hungarian