Tax evasion. Failure to highlight in the accounting documents or in other legal documents the transactions carried out or the income. The notion of legal documents Cover Image
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Evaziune fiscală. Omisiunea evidenţierii în actele contabile ori în alte documente legale a operaţiunilor efectuate sau a veniturilor realizate. Noţiunea de documente legale
Tax evasion. Failure to highlight in the accounting documents or in other legal documents the transactions carried out or the income. The notion of legal documents

Author(s): Oana Bugnar-Coldea
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Public Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: tax evasion; failure to highlight the transactions carried out or the income; legal documents; damage; tax declaration; continuous crime; continued crime;

Summary/Abstract: Through this material, we draw your attention to Decision no. 29/A/2022 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice concerning the crime of tax evasion provided by Article 9 paragraph 1 letter b) of Law no. 241/2005. The decision is relevant for academics and practitioners, as it brings into discussion a number of important issues, namely: (I) the issue of “accounting documents or other legal documents”, which is relevant for the purpose of the offence of tax evasion provided for in Article 9 paragraph 1 letter b) of of Law no. 241/2005, is analysed; (II) it questions the need to take into account deductible expenses when calculating the damage, by reference not only to the accounting records but also to each payment document attesting a deductible expense; (III) it analyses the situation in which, although the income has not been recorded in the accounting accounts, it has been declared to the tax authorities; (IV) calls into question whether the offence of tax evasion can be committed in a continuous and continuing manner, all these aspects being critically analysed in this material.

  • Issue Year: 2023
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 119-131
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Romanian
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