Supporting Children’s Creative Abilities in Home Education – Indications for Further Research Cover Image

Wspieranie zdolności twórczych dzieci w edukacji domowej – wskazania do przyszłych badań
Supporting Children’s Creative Abilities in Home Education – Indications for Further Research

Author(s): Anna Majewska-Owczarek, Martyna Justyńska
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: creative abilities; homeschooling; family environment; creative environment

Summary/Abstract: Identification and stimulation of children’s creative abilities and supporting their development is the objective of all parents. The condition necessary to fully accomplish this task is creating an atmosphere of mutual trust, safety, acceptance and, most of all, love. Parents, who know their children, their strengths and weaknesses, are able to stimulate their comprehensive development, which results in motivating them to undertake creative activities and teaches them persistence. Homeschooling is a special area which offers parents this possibility. Polish literature on the subject of homeschooling is not extensive. The deliberations are focused mainly on the legal framework of this form of education, its essence, practice, opportunities and threats to the cognitive and social development. This article offers a chance to expand knowledge on the practices undertaken in homeschooling. It fills a gap in our knowledge about the role of creativity in this model of education by indicating the consistency of theoretical assumptions on how to support the development of children’s creative abilities and the characteristics of the development environment in homeschooling.

  • Issue Year: 16/2023
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 206-219
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Polish
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