Model rachunkowości finansowej w Niemczech
w kontekście innych rozwiązań światowych
The Model of financial accounting in Germany in the light of other globai approaches
Author(s): Anna SzmerekietaSubject(s): Economy
Published by: Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce
Summary/Abstract: German Law of stock Corporation (in HGB) provide, that the management cannot represent only the interest of shareholders, but must take into account the interest of the enterprise (e.g. against speculative attempt of the shareholders), creditors and emploeeys as well as national welfare. It thus effective reduces an unemployment. The strategie goal of the enterprise is achiement of satisfactory returns to owners, who expect reladvery high profit, and steady inerease in the value of the entity due to retaining a part of the earned profits. In order to fułfil this goal the company must strive for reasonably high profits (taking into account the risk factor so as to avoid threats to its futurę operation). This approach, enabling control of generał equilibrium of the national economy, is consistent with social accounting theory and welfare economy. The accounting, business and tax regulation are subordinated to the primary aim - balanced growth of the state. This also applies to taxation of groups which, in line with the distribution theory and elements of the unity theory, use double transfer pricing.
Journal: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości
- Issue Year: 2004
- Issue No: 19
- Page Range: 115-138
- Page Count: 23
- Language: Polish