Oddawam si'w respelct laski WXMci Dobrodzieja ... [I surrender myself to the respect of the Most Graceful Sir Benefactot's grace]. On one of the acts  of language politeness in the 1Sth-century Polish epistolography Cover Image

Oddawam się w respekt łaski WXMci Dobrodzieja… O jednym z aktów grzeczności językowej w epistolografii polskiej XVIII wieku
Oddawam si'w respelct laski WXMci Dobrodzieja ... [I surrender myself to the respect of the Most Graceful Sir Benefactot's grace]. On one of the acts of language politeness in the 1Sth-century Polish epistolography

Author(s): Katarzyna Sicińska
Subject(s): Historical Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, 18th Century
Published by: Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej
Keywords: language etiquette; epistolography; 18th century Polish language; formula; grace;

Summary/Abstract: Oddawam się w respekt łaski WXMci Dobrodzieja… [I surrender myself to the respect of the Most Graceful Sir Benefactor’s grace]. On one of the acts of language politeness in the 18th-century Polish epistolography In the paper, a selected act of language politeness observed in the 18th-century Polish epistolography is described. The essence of this act was that the sender surrendered himself to the grace or some other characteristic of the addressee, such as protection, friendship, love, respect, or memory. To express this intention, a conventionalised formulae was used, such as oddawam się w respekt łaski, sam się zwykłej […] rekomenduję łasce, oddaję mnie […] statecznej przyjaźni, afektom się […] polecając. (I surrender myself to the respect of your grace, recommend myself to the common […] grace, I surrender myself […] to the stable friendship, recommend myself to affection […]). This formula was used when closing a letter, among many other petrified and markedly final structures, such as e.g. the formula of respect, the formula of service offers, or the actual closing of the text, the subscription formula. The linguistic shape of the formula of surrendering oneself to the other’s grace (protection, friendship, love, respect, memory) was characterised by the lexical and grammatical variability of all elements of its structure, where the number and type of the components were conditioned by pragmatic considerations (degree of expressed politeness) and social factors (status of the addressee).

  • Issue Year: 2/2022
  • Issue No: 39
  • Page Range: 137-154
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Polish
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