Zaburzenie ze spektrum autyzmu w warunkach dwujęzyczności. Przegląd badań
Autism spectrum disorder in bilingual environment: review of research
Author(s): Rafał Młyński, Elżbieta SadowskaSubject(s): Language studies, Foreign languages learning, Human Geography, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Developmental Psychology, Health and medicine and law
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder (ASD); bilingualism; review of research
Summary/Abstract: In their article, Rafał Młyński and Elżbieta Sadowska examine the broad problem of communication disorders in the context of childhood bilingualism and, in particular, research on the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). They give an overview of topics related to ASD in the context of bilingualism as addressed by researchers in international and Polish publications and examine their theoretical and practical implications. They used the thus collected literature on the subject to formulate postulates useful for further Polish research on the communication of bilingual children with autism spectrum disorders. The most important of them is raising awareness that children with autism spectrum can grow up in a bilingual environment and depriving them of their heritage language can have many negative consequences.
Journal: Forum Lingwistyczne
- Issue Year: 1/2023
- Issue No: 11
- Page Range: 1-12
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Polish