How (not) to teach? Cover Image

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How (not) to teach?

Author(s): Damian Kot
Subject(s): Foreign languages learning
Published by: Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji
Keywords: didactics; language lesson; text didactics; mistakes; cognitivism

Summary/Abstract: The article is devoted to the methods of teaching foreign languages, the indication of mistakes often made by teachers and their discussion, but also the provision of practical tips on how to avoid them and what aspects to pay attention to in order to eliminate them and improve one’s skills. The text focuses on the role of the classroom language in the classroom, the actions taken when working with the text and ways of smuggling grammar and methods for reacting to errors.

  • Issue Year: 2023
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 99-104
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Polish
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