Religijsko obrazovanje u sekularno uređenom državnom sistemu: primjer islamskog obrazovanja u Saveznoj Republici Njemačkoj
Religious education in a secular state system: The example of Islamic education in the Federal Republic of Germany
Author(s): Said TopalovićSubject(s): Politics and religion, State/Government and Education, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Religion
Published by: Centar za napredne studije
Keywords: religious education; religious communities; Germany; secularism; secular state;
Summary/Abstract: The secular model in the Federal Republic of Germany is considered a model regulated by law in a manner particularly favourable for cooperation between state and religious communities. Religious communities act as legally recognised institutions that enjoy the maximum degree of freedom as far as their activities and tasks are concerned. That also includes the shaping of religious education represented in state-run educational institutions, whose organisation and implementation is, however, the responsibility of religious communities. For those Muslims living in Germany, this creates the opportunity to reflect on answers to such a form of secularism and, as a consequence thereof, to consider educational reforms and new concepts of religious education.
Journal: Context: časopis za interdisciplinarne studije
- Issue Year: 10/2023
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 75-101
- Page Count: 27
- Language: Bosnian