How Does Justice Relate to Economic Welfare? A Case Against Austro-Libertarian Welfare Economics
How Does Justice Relate to Economic Welfare? A Case Against Austro-Libertarian Welfare Economics
Author(s): Igor Wysocki, Łukasz M. DominiakSubject(s): National Economy, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Political economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: KruZak
Keywords: Austrian welfare economics; demonstrated preference; libertarianism; justice; voluntariness; free market;
Summary/Abstract: This paper argues—contra some Austro-libertarians—that whether a given exchange is welfare-enhancing or welfare-diminishing does not depend on whether that exchange is just or unjust, respectively. Rather, we suggest that in light of our two thought experiments, Austro-libertarianism has at least a pro tanto reason to conceive of justice and welfare as two logically distinct ideals. This would in turn, most interestingly, predict the possibility of (a) just but welfare-diminishing exchanges and (b) unjust but welfare-enhancing ones. Upon considering possible rejoinders to our points, we suggest that Austro-libertarians abandon a justice-based notion of welfare.
Journal: Croatian Journal of Philosophy
- Issue Year: XXIII/2023
- Issue No: 67
- Page Range: 51-67
- Page Count: 17
- Language: English