Originalitatea și valoarea științifică a tezelor de doctorat. Evaluarea tezelor de doctorat și consecințele îndeplinirii, respectiv ale neîndeplinirii, acestor condiții
The originality and the scientific value of doctoral theses. The evaluation of the doctoral theses and the consequences of the fulfilment, respectively of non-fulfilment, of these conditions
Author(s): Liliana-Dorina RăducuSubject(s): Civil Law
Published by: Uniunea Juriștilor din România
Keywords: copyright; doctorate thesis; originality; plagiarism; scientific value; doctor’s title;
Summary/Abstract: The analysis carried out by the author during this study is likely to outline the distinctions between copyright and the specific standards for the doctoral theses, the originality of the scientific work representing the common point of the two perspectives of approaching the doctoral thesis – scientific work.Likewise, the emphasis being placed, in the current regulation, on the standards of professional ethics – especially on the existence of plagiarism, through this analysis the author wishes to make a clear delimitation between plagiarism and the originality of the scientific work, the latter being able to survive even in the event of the existence of some plagiarism situations. The originality of the scientific work is not affected by licit and limited borrowings from pre-existing works. The theme, the issues, the argumentation can be taken from pre-existing studies and presented in the new intellectual creation by imprinting the author’s personality in the modality of exposition, in the structure and systematization of the content of the work.However, the isolated approach to the condition of originality of the scientific works can, in concrete cases, lead to derision of the very notion of scientific work, which is why the scientific value is a main criterion in the evaluation of doctoral theses and the determination of the scientific value takes place within a procedure finalised with the awarding of doctor’s title or not.
Journal: Revista „Dreptul”
- Issue Year: 2023
- Issue No: 10
- Page Range: 51-69
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Romanian
- Content File-PDF