EU Business Efficiency and Growth: The Ex-post Phase in Business Negotiations Cover Image

EU Business Efficiency and Growth: The Ex-post Phase in Business Negotiations
EU Business Efficiency and Growth: The Ex-post Phase in Business Negotiations

Author(s): Liga Brikena
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, International relations/trade
Published by: Centrum Europejskie Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: EU Business; Business Objectives; Negotiation Phase Model; Negotiation Process;

Summary/Abstract: European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs are so-called “frontliners” in European Union transitions and strategies while also implementing the EU Resilience and Recovery Plan, which requires an increase of business effectiveness. Business-negotiation management brings confidence in the achieving of business goals. The negotiation phase model ensures accuracy in monitoring progress and also in the evaluation of possible outcomes. The aim of this article is to map the cumulative scientific knowledge and evolutionary nuances of well-established fields in business negotiation management from a corporate perspective, uncover emerging trends in journal articles and research constituents as well as to explore the intellectual structure of a specific domain in the extant literature of the ex-post phase in the negotiation phase model and its linkages to business objectives of both business entities and SMEs. Based on an inductive and deductive approach, the author presents a description of linkages of the business negotiation process phase model and business objectives. Such a description is useful for practitioners in identifying the literature relevant to their business activities based on negotiations, and worthwhile for academics to navigate further research.

  • Issue Year: 27/2023
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 121-142
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: English
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