The Role of Prosodic Factors in French and Polish Anti-Semitic Discourse: Mere Emotional Expressions or Genuine Arguments? Cover Image

Les facteurs prosodiques dans le discours antisémite français et polonais. Sont-ils de simples expressions d’émotions ou constituent-ils de vrais arguments ?
The Role of Prosodic Factors in French and Polish Anti-Semitic Discourse: Mere Emotional Expressions or Genuine Arguments?

Author(s): Ewa Pirogowska
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Jewish studies, History of Antisemitism
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: prosody; argumentation; written interactive register; antisemitism

Summary/Abstract: The article presents, in a synthetic way, some observations of the author on the functioning of the prosodic elements in the discourse on Jewish issues which, very often, degenerates into anti-Semitic discourse. The corpus consists of discursive contributions drawn from authentic Internet interactions, focusing on Dieudonné’s activities in France from 2009 and on Rafal Betlejewski’s performances in Poland from 2007. Since this speech is carried out in the written interactive register, it is a graphic imitation of prosody. Examples of the equivalents of marked pronunciation, accent on the topic of the utterance, and puns residing on homonymy are analysed. The author argues that such imitations, apart from the expression of emotions, also lead to argumentative effects. The article provides a synthetic overview of these observations, highlighting the role of prosodic elements in shaping discourse on Jewish issues.

  • Issue Year: 2023
  • Issue No: 18
  • Page Range: 55-66
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: French
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