Drzewa w ludowym obrazie świata. Przyczynek do badań nad wierzeniami ludowymi o drzewach, ich stosowaniu w magii i lecznictwie
Trees in the folk image of the world. Contribution to the study of folk beliefs about trees, their use in magic and healing
Author(s): Elżbieta Szot-RadziszewskaSubject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Sociology, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Health and medicine and law, Demography and human biology, Sociobiology, Environmental interactions
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Keywords: tree; beliefs; cultural anthropology; folk herbal medicine; folk culture
Summary/Abstract: The subject of the article are folk beliefs concerning trees and their use in magic and medicine. The source basis for the presented descriptions, analyzes and interpretations are materials obtained during ethnographic field research in the Kielce region, which I conducted in 2010–2021, and published works. In the article I present cultural images of selected trees functioning in the minds of the inhabitants of Kielce villages. The analysis of the acquired ethnographic materials made it possible to find out how people think about trees as important elements of the cultural landscape, how they perceive them, what beliefs they connect with, and in the treatment of what ailments they use them. The phenomenon of a tree in folk culture results both from the mythical worldview, i.e. specific attitudes of rural residents towards natural phenomena, as well as from the specific features that trees have.The most important aspect determining the place of trees in the folk image of the world is their personification, ascribing to them the mediating features of the cosmic tree and the tree of life. Hence their significant position in the mental picture of the world and rich symbolism manifested in magical and religious rituals, vegetation rituals and healing practices with the participation of trees.
Journal: Medycyna Nowożytna Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną
- Issue Year: 29/2023
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 165-185
- Page Count: 21
- Language: Polish