„Konkurencja” dla Związku Walki Zbrojnej? Relacje Tajnej Armii Polskiej z ZWZ i misja por. Zygmunta K. Nowakowskiego
„Competition” for the Union of Armed Struggle? Relations between the Secret Polish Army and UAS and the mission of lieutenant Zygmunt K. Nowakowski
Author(s): Marek GałęzowskiSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, History
Published by: Wojskowe Biuro Historyczne im. gen. broni Kazimierza Sosnkowskiego
Keywords: Secret Polish Army;Union of Armed Struggle;Jan H. Włodarkiewicz;Zygmunt K. Nowakowski
Summary/Abstract: This article concerns an issue connected with the forming of military conspiracy in the part of Poland that, after September 1939 found itself under the German occupation. It is focused on the problem of the relation between the Secret Polish Army (SPA) and the Union of Armed Struggle (UAS). The SPA, which was established by major Jan H. Włodarkiewicz and one of whose most outstanding officers was Witold Pilecki, was one of few underground organizations created at the beginning of the occupation that fulfilled the criteria allowing to recognize them as military ones. It was recognized as such by the command of Polish Victory Service and Union of Armed Struggle, which aspired to merge it with its own structures. This intention met with the resistance of the SPA’s commander, who planned not only to continue the independent activity but also to turn his organization into the leading center of the polish underground armed forces. One of the evidences of this aspiration was the unsuccessful mission of major Włodarkiewicz’s adjutant – lieutenant Zygmunt K. Nowakowski. Major Włodarkiewicz’s activity did not bring about the intended effect and with time SPA was merged with UAS.
Journal: Przegląd Historyczno-Wojskowy
- Issue Year: XVII/2016
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 47-72
- Page Count: 26
- Language: Polish