The ritual space of the penitence brotherhoods in Granada (Spain) during the Old Regime. An approach from archival documentation Cover Image
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El espacio ritual de las cofradías de penitencia en Granada (España) durante el Antiguo Régimen. Un acercamiento desde la documentación de archivo
The ritual space of the penitence brotherhoods in Granada (Spain) during the Old Regime. An approach from archival documentation

Author(s): Francisco Javier CRESPO MUÑOZ
Subject(s): Methodology and research technology, Social development, Penology
Keywords: Granada (Spain); Penitence brotherhoods; Ritual space; Ancient Regime;

Summary/Abstract: Study of the ritual space occupied by the penitential brotherhoods of Granada (Spain) during the Old Regime. This analysis is performed using documents from different archives. In this way, it is intended to reflect how the choice for the brotherhoods of their essential ritual space in the convents and, within them, in the chapels remained for centuries (despite certain evolutions); this decision determined the crisis of Granada’s Holy Week in the 19th century.

  • Issue Year: 9/2021
  • Issue No: 17
  • Page Range: 31-43
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Spanish
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