Objective Methods in Hearing Assessment of Children and Youth With Selected Developmental Disabilities Cover Image

Metody obiektywne w badaniach słuchu dzieci i młodzieży z wybranymi zaburzeniami rozwojowymi – możliwości i ograniczenia
Objective Methods in Hearing Assessment of Children and Youth With Selected Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Maria Jakubowska
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: objective hearing test; otoacoustic emission (OAE); ABR; ASSR; impedance audiometry; developmental disabilities; autism spectrum disorder; Down syndrome; intellectual disability

Summary/Abstract: Among hearing tests, there are two main groups: subjective and objective methods. Objective methods are suitable for those who are unable to cooperate with a diagnostician.Developmental disabilities appear in childhood and have an impact on a child’s and his or her entourage’s life. Children with developmental disabilities require specialist care and detailed medical diagnosis. Because of the high risk of hearing disabilities in this group, the diagnosis should include an assessment of hearing.Hearing assessment among persons with developmental disabilities is crucial for the process of differential diagnosis, but they could not able to cooperate. In this case, objective tests allow accurate hearing evaluation.Practical issues (difficulties) of hearing assessment in children with developmental disabilities are rarely raised in the literature. Therefore this publication aims to analyze the possibilities and limitations of objective methods of hearing assessment in a group of patients with developmental disabilities, regarding especially test procedures.

  • Issue Year: 15/2023
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 87-103
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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