Towards truer and fairer.
The judgment and decision-making research journey through accounting paradigms Cover Image

W stronę jasnego i rzetelnego obrazu. Podróż przez paradygmaty rachunkowości w kontekście badań nad osądem i podejmowaniem decyzji
Towards truer and fairer. The judgment and decision-making research journey through accounting paradigms

Author(s): Nelli Artienwicz
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce
Keywords: true and fair view; accounting paradigms; decision-making; professional judgment

Summary/Abstract: The aim: The aim of this paper is to integrate different perspectives regarding the true and fair view (TFV) using the accounting paradigms proposed by Chua (1986). It also explores the research possibilities associated with the concept of TFV under these three research paradigms in the judgment and decision-making context. Methodology/approach: This paper is conceptual, building upon Chua’s (1986) framework. It integrates and advances the existing theoretical comprehension of TFV, also unraveling the components of the concept. Findings: This paper shows that there are layers of meaning involved in the TFV concept, encompassing various context-dependent and perspective-driven aspects. No single accounting paradigm is able to show the complexity of TFV, all the more so its role in judgment and decision-making (JDM) in accounting. Originality/value: Incorporating multiple perspectives aims to offer a more holistic and nuanced understanding of the concept, moving beyond traditionally separated or contrary, unconsciously intermingled approaches. This study bridges research traditions on TFV and also theoretically enriches behavioral accounting via the JDM perspective of TFV.

  • Issue Year: 47/2023
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 17-32
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: English
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