Üniversite Öğrencisi Gençlerin Flört İlişkilerinde Cinsel Şiddetle İlgili Görüş ve Deneyimleri Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma
A Qualitative Investigation on College Students’ Perspectives and Experiences about Sexual Violence in Dating Relations
Author(s): Anıl Ö. ÜstünelSubject(s): Gender Studies, Behaviorism, Studies in violence and power
Published by: Sanat ve Dil Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
Keywords: Sexual violence; sexual coercion; gender; dating; Turkey;
Summary/Abstract: Sexual violence is defined as all sexual behaviors that are performed without the partner’s consent and/or by use of force. Previous research emphasizes the need for effective preventive practices that match young people’s perspectives and needs. Understanding how young people label sexual violence and what solutions they suggest is important to inform future practices in Turkey. The present study employs a qualitative design to explore a group of college students’ perspectives and experiences about sexual violence in dating relations. The sample consisted of 39 (21 women, 18 men) heterosexual students aged 18-25. The data was collected with individual interviews and analyzed with inductive thematic analysis. Three main themes and their sub-themes were identified: 1) The definition of sexual violence: Forcing, threatening, emotional pressure and insistence; 2) Gender-based polarization in socialization and roles: Prohibitions in sexuality, dominance and competition in sexuality, lack of communication in sexuality, devaluation and labeling; 3) Suggestions for solutions: Sexuality education, normalizing sexuality, communication and trust in sexuality, transforming myths about sexual violence. The young people put emphasis on sexual coercion and understood it in the context of gender inequality. The significance of the findings for preventive and clinical practices, particularly in universities, are discussed.
Journal: Nesne-Psikoloji Dergisi
- Issue Year: 11/2023
- Issue No: 27
- Page Range: 54-79
- Page Count: 26
- Language: Turkish