Liturgia z 1965 r. jako odpowiedź na zalecenia soborowej Konstytucji o liturgii świętej – aspekt liturgii mszalnej
Liturgy of 1965 as a response to the recommendations of the council’s Constitution on the sacred liturgy – aspect of the mass liturgy
Author(s): Dawid MakowskiSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Keywords: Liturgy; liturgical reform; rite of 1965; Constitution on the Liturgy; Second Vatican Council
Summary/Abstract: This article deals with the issue of the liturgy of the Mass in 1965. This form of celebration is a direct result of the Constitution on the Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council. Unfortunately, due to the pace of post-Council changes, the problem raised has not received much research. However, the liturgy of 1965 is important insofar as it represents the springtime of the Church’s liturgical renewal. This article presents the liturgical renewal of the Mass, showing the relationship between the changes and the decisions of the Constitution on the Holy Liturgy, which allows us to discern the hermeneutics of continuity between the Missal of John XXIII and the Missal of 1965.
Journal: Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
- Issue Year: 32/2023
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 29-39
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Polish