Vzťah rekodifikovanej štúrovčiny a súčasnej spisovnej slovenčiny v prekladoch vybraného liturgického textu
The Relationship between Recodified Štúr’s Literary Slovak Language and Contemporary Literary Slovak Language in Translations of a Selected Liturgical Text
Author(s): Patrik Lekeš, Patrik KOZÁRSubject(s): Western Slavic Languages, Biblical studies, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
Published by: Slovenský komitét slavistov a Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, v.v.i.
Keywords: Translations; comparison; biblical texts; recodified Štúr’s literary Slovak language; contemporary literary Slovak language;
Summary/Abstract: The subject of the paper is the analysis and comparison of the translations of a selected biblical text in the recodified Štúr’s literary Slovak language (J. Roháček: Život nášho Pána a Spasiteľa Ježiša Krista dľa Ev. sv. Lukáša, 1916) and at the same time its translation dialogue with the version of the text in the contemporary literary Slovak language (Evangelical translation: Biblia. Písmo Sväté Starej a Novej zmluvy, 2015) in order to identify and compare the congruent and incongruent components of the selected texts.
Journal: Slavica Slovaca
- Issue Year: 58/2023
- Issue No: 02
- Page Range: 237-251
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Slovak