Obraz rodziny znajdujący odzwierciedlenie w Karcie Praw Rodziny
Image of the Family Presented in Charter of the Rights of the Family
Author(s): Edyta ZawadzkaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology, Family and social welfare
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: Charter of the Rights of the Family; family; Christian image of the family; semantic field analysis method
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the text is to describe, on the basis of the semantic field analysis method, the characteristics of one of the variants of family perception. The text constituting the source of the empirical reflection is the Charter of the Rights of the Family, which is justified by factors related to the objectives and addressees of the document, anthropological motifs constituting the assumptions of its content, as well as the approach used in its construction, which synthesizes the approaches representing the thought of the church and international communities.According to the assumptions of the semantic field analysis method requiring “an apparent disassembly of the sequence of utterances and the order of expression in order to put them back together in accordance with the significant legibility”, 6 types of phrases (equivalents, descriptions, associations, oppositions, actions of the subject, actions towards the subject) were searched for in the content of the Charter of the Rights of the Family. The implication of their internal differentiation is the creation of a platform for a comprehensive description of the image of the family in the analysed document.The main conclusion of the analysis is expressed in the statement that the image of the family presented in the “Charter of the Rights of the Family” has a contextual dimension and is a mosaic of universal approaches and inscribed in the social teaching of the Church.
Journal: Roczniki Pedagogiczne
- Issue Year: 15/2023
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 9-24
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Polish