Дигитална обработка на етнографската граѓа од теренските истражувања на етнолозите при одделението за етнологија во НУ Музеј на Македонија
Digital processing of the ethnographical material of the fieldwork surveys of the ethnologists at the Department of ethnology in the National institute – Museum of N. Macedonia
Author(s): Nade Kostadinovska-Spasenovska, Nade Kostadinovska-SpasenovskaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Museology & Heritage Studies, Customs / Folklore
Published by: Институт за фолклор "Марко Цепенков" - Скопје
Keywords: fieldwork ; ethnological research; transcription; digitalisation; Museum
Summary/Abstract: The digital processing of the fieldwork material is a process which is indispensable in ethnology and museology as a means to protect the information that is a result from the fieldwork. In this text I write about the materials collected through the fieldwork surveys in the Museum of Macedonia, from the previous fifty years until now. It is an enormous material that was written in notebooks, on pieces of paper, a small part of it was recorded on a tape, which my colleagues hold in their drawers. In this Museum there was not a practice, not even a rulebook that guarantees the collecting and the safety of that material, and because of that the fieldwork material is held as an ownership of the colleagues and the other parts of them are either lost or taken out of the Museum when the colleagues got their pensions. With the material which I succeed to collect and which was handed over by the colleagues the first thing that we did was the fact that we formed the “Archive of the fieldwork material in the Museum” and we continued with the digitalization and we formed the “Digital Archive of the fieldwork material” where with adequate rulebook, the colleagues – ethnologists can gain access and can use this material. In this way with transcription and digitalization of the material, also with the keeping of the original fieldwork recordings we achieved to have a more reliable source of true and exact data which we can keep more precise and safer so that we will not lose them in future.
Journal: Македонски фолклор
- Issue Year: LV/2024
- Issue No: 85
- Page Range: 71-80
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Macedonian