Prevalence of Organizational Cynicism Among Early Career Psychiatrists in Lithuania: An Exploratory Study Cover Image

Prevalence of Organizational Cynicism Among Early Career Psychiatrists in Lithuania: An Exploratory Study
Prevalence of Organizational Cynicism Among Early Career Psychiatrists in Lithuania: An Exploratory Study

Author(s): Laurynas Ambrasas, Jolita Vveinhardt
Subject(s): Psychology, Labor relations
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: Organizational cynicism; Resident; Psychiatrist; Early career; Workplace;

Summary/Abstract: This exploratory study aims to identify the prevalence of organizational cynicism among early career psychiatrists in Lithuania. In order to achieve the purpose, the following research questions were raised: What is the prevalence of organizational cynicism among early career psychiatrists in Lithuania and how does organizational cynicism differ depending on the sociodemographic characteristics of these specialists? All early career psychiatrists employed in Lithuanian health care institutions were invited to participate in the study, and 56 of them filled out questionnaires. The obtained data were processed using descriptive statistical methods. Significant differences in indicators of organizational cynicism were identified depending on the respondents’ place of study. In addition, organizational cynicism varied by specialty: psychiatry residents had the highest mean scores; while child and adolescent psychiatrists, had the lowest. The study provides valuable insights into understanding the nature of organisational cynicism in terms of dispositional, cognitive, affective and behavioural cynicism. The obtained findings may contribute to the development of further research by promoting targeted interventions to address cynical attitudes towards work among early career psychiatrists. / Šiame žvalgomajame tyrime siekiama nustatyti organizacinio cinizmo paplitimą tarp ankstyvosios karjeros psichiatrų Lietuvoje. Tikslui pasiekti buvo keliami tokie tyrimo klausimai: koks yra organizacinio cinizmo paplitimas tarp ankstyvosios karjeros psichiatrų Lietuvoje ir kaip organizacinis cinizmas skiriasi pagal šių specialistų sociodemografines charakteristikas? Dalyvauti tyrime buvo kviečiami visi Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose dirbantys ankstyvosios karjeros psichiatrai, iš kurių anketas užpildė 56. Gauti duomenys buvo apdoroti taikant aprašomosios statistikos metodus. Nustatyti ženklūs organizacinio cinizmo rodiklių skirtumai, priklausomai nuo respondentų studijų vietos. Be to, organizacinis cinizmas skyrėsi pagal respondentų specialybes: gydytojų psichiatrų rezidentų vidutinis balų vidurkis buvo didžiausias, o vaikų ir paauglių psichiatrų – mažiausias. Tyrimas suteikia vertingų įžvalgų, padedančių suprasti organizacinio cinizmo pobūdį dispozicinio, kognityvinio, afektinio ir elgesio cinizmo aspektais. Tyrimo rezultatai gali padėti plėtoti tolesnius tyrimus skatinant tikslines intervencijas, kurios skirtos ankstyvosios karjeros psichiatrų ciniško požiūrio į darbą problemai spręsti.

  • Issue Year: 2023
  • Issue No: 90
  • Page Range: 1-14
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: English
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