Prokofiev’s Seventh Symphony and itsТwo Еndings: А Study of “Imposed” Revisions Cover Image

Prokofiev’s Seventh Symphony and itsТwo Еndings: А Study of “Imposed” Revisions
Prokofiev’s Seventh Symphony and itsТwo Еndings: А Study of “Imposed” Revisions

Author(s): Georgia Petroudi
Subject(s): Music, History of Art
Published by: Muzikološki institut SANU
Keywords: Sergei Prokofev; Seventh Symphony; Finale; revisions; “obsuzhdenie;” Stalin Prize;

Summary/Abstract: Why does a composer resort to changing any one of his compositions? Under what circumstances does the creative output need to be re-evaluated and perhaps reconsidered? Prokofev’s fnal Seventh Symphony presents two endings diferent in mood and character, one subtler and the other more vivid. Tis paper examines the background behind the appearance of the alternative ending – most specifcally an extended coda, which appeared as an indication of a conformist stance on Prokofev’s part, an atempt to appease the regime and probably obtain the Stalin Prize, so essential to him.

  • Issue Year: 2/2017
  • Issue No: 23
  • Page Range: 31-40
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: English
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