Offshore heavy oil displacement using water flooding - flow characteristics and efficiency
Offshore heavy oil displacement using water flooding - flow characteristics and efficiency
Author(s): Sudad Al-Obaidi, Wang J. Chang, Falah H. KhalafSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education
Published by: Национално издателство за образование и наука „Аз-буки“
Keywords: heavy oil; relative permeability; oil displacement; waterflooding; offshore
Summary/Abstract: In water flooding, residual oil is displaced by injecting water into the reservoir formation. Oil displaced from injection wells is physically swept to adjacent production wells by water. Compared to conventional oil fields, offshore heavy oil fields have low oil recovery using water flooding. If we had a better knowledge of the flow characteristics of the water and oil phases, it would be very useful to improve the oil recovery of the heavy oil reservoir. In developing oil fields, it is important to study the patterns of changes in the f low characteristics of the oil and water phases. This will guide the development of numerical simulation models. This study considered the geological characteristics, fluid properties, and construction technology of an offshore oil field with heavy oil. The relative permeabilities of water and oil were investigated using steady-state and unsteady-state methods. With the unsteady state method, the effect of core permeability, water washout, and oil viscosity on the relative permeability curve and oil displacement efficiency of water flooding has been investigated. Artificial cores were utilized in the experiments. The artificial cores were developed to simulate the structure of unconsolidated sandstone in an offshore oil f ield. Computed tomography and mercury pressure testing are used to demonstrate the change in the internal structure of the core. Water washout forms the “cleaning” and “erosion” function, which affects core pore structure, increases the radius of the core pore throat, and increases the core permeability. It has the same effect on relative permeability curves and oil displacement efficiency as it does on increased permeability. The total oil recovery decreases with increasing oil viscosity since the ability to control water mobility weakens during the flooding process. Moreover, the coverage volume of the displacing water phase decreases, and the two-phase flow range narrows. Water sweeps expand as core permeability increases, resulting in a wider twophase flow as the relative permeability of the water phase increases. In turn, this enhances oil efficiency displacement and total oil recovery.
Journal: Обучение по природни науки и върхови технологии
- Issue Year: 33/2024
- Issue No: 1-2
- Page Range: 91-110
- Page Count: 20
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF