Integracyjna rola muzyki w Kościele
na podstawie nauczania papieży Benedykta XVI i Franciszka
The Integrative Role of Music in the Church
Based on the Teaching of Popes Benedict XVI and Francis
Author(s): Daniel NowakSubject(s): Music, History of Church(es), Pastoral Theology, Sociology of Religion
Published by: Uniwersytet Opolski
Keywords: Sacred Art; Liturgical Music; Community; Beauty; Integration of Believers;
Summary/Abstract: In the liturgy of the Church, music, among other things, is a factor that supports a living relationship with God and unites believers.Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis for the modern Church are guides and su- preme guardians who point out the sense of maintaining the proper level of music in the Church. In his search for the right ways of church music, Benedict XVI does not deal thor- oughly with musicological issues, but from the point of view of a theologian, he looks for points of contact between faith and art. For the pope, the musical expression of praise to God remains in harmony with the Christian dogma of the incarnation, which is realized in the Church and the sacraments. Music is one of the elements that create a space for the continu- ation of the events of the incarnation. Submitting to integration, it purifies the human being, liberates and inclines thoughts towards God.The current Pope Francis constantly recognizes music in the Church as a unifying element of the community and as a means of proclaiming the faith. He considers it necessary to constantly renew liturgical music and chant, especially in terms of quality, so that Church music is fully inculturated in the artistic and musical language of today. Getting to know the richness of music and traditions of different parts of the world helps to preserve the tradi- tion of the Church in the modern world and to enrich it with what the modern times bring. Such an updating builds a living community which by listening or performing music unites diversity in one song of praise to God. The theological perspective on the meaning of sacred music and its qualities allows for the proper use of music as an integrating factor for both the individual believer and the whole community. The theological perspective on the importance of sacred music and its qualities helps to make the right use of music as an integrating factor for the individual believer and the community.
Journal: Liturgia Sacra
- Issue Year: XXVIII/2022
- Issue No: 59
- Page Range: 317-326
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Polish