Family determinants of youth homelessness Cover Image

Rodzinne uwarunkowania bezdomności młodzieży
Family determinants of youth homelessness

Author(s): Marek A. Motyka
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Zakład Historii Edukacji w Instytucie Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Keywords: rodzina z dysfunkcjami; młodzież; niezaradność; bezdomność; kryzys

Summary/Abstract: Introduction. Youth homelessness is an increasingly visible phenomenon on the Polish scene of social problems. Aim. The purpose of the study was to determine the family conditions leading to the crisis of homelessness, as well as to determine the necessary assistance interventions leading to the restoration of life stability and independence. Material and methods. Interviews were conducted with thirty-five adolescents experiencing homelessness. The research tool was an interview questionnaire consisting of 26 questions, some of which concerned the family situation of the respondents. The interviews were recorded on a dictaphone and a transcription was made. Purposive sampling was used; the interviews were conducted on the premises of the Po Drugie Foundation, which provides comprehensive assistance to youth in crisis of homelessness. Results. On the basis of the collected data, it was established that the family causes of the occurrence of the crisis of homelessness among young people are primarily growing up in a family with dysfunctions: addiction of one or two parents, violence, parental incompetence leading to separation and upbringing outside the biological family (foster care, orphanages, resocialization centres), experience of trauma, harm, a sense of loneliness. These causes, and especially their simultaneous co-occurrence, played an important role in the onset of the crisis. Conclusion. The needs of youth who have experienced a lot of abuse and neglect from their parents during their adolescence require multidimensional assistance and therapeutic support, including securing a roof over their heads, emotional stabilization, strengthening their sense of worth, restoring mental stability, motivating them to take up education, find employment, preparing them for independent household management and proper performance of social roles. The Po Drugie Foundation, where the research was carried out, is an organization that provides fully comprehensive care for that group. Unfortunately, it is the only such place in Poland.

  • Issue Year: XXX/2023
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 147-171
  • Page Count: 25
  • Language: Polish
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