Manipulation techniques used by the Polish state media:
a case study of the Taliban offensive in Afghanistan Cover Image

Techniki manipulacji wykorzystywane przez polskie media państwowe: studium przypadku ofensywy talibów w Afganistanie
Manipulation techniques used by the Polish state media: a case study of the Taliban offensive in Afghanistan

Author(s): Karolina Owczarek
Subject(s): Media studies, Governance, Politics and communication
Published by: Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza
Keywords: Afghanistan; Taliban offensive; manipulation; propaganda; media state; television;

Summary/Abstract: This paper aims to show what manipulation techniques were used by the public media in Polandwhen presenting information about the Taliban offensive in Afghanistan. The study uses qualitativesource analysis to gather data necessary and sufficient to answer the research questions, which are: howdid the public media present the Taliban offensive in Afghanistan? What manipulation techniques wereused? This paper begins by presenting the context of the study, in which the definition of the publicbroadcaster and its mission are presented. Next, the choice of the research field is justified and the theo-retical tool of typology of manipulation techniques is presented. Then, the methodological assumptionsare explained and a qualitative content analysis is conducted. The analysis reveals that the aim of publictelevision was not to falsify information on the events taking place in Afghanistan. The manipulationtechniques were used to discredit the decisions made by the U.S. government, to improve the imageof the Polish government, and of the former U.S. president. In addition, these techniques were used todiscourage Polish citizens from refugees from Afghanistan, and also to show them as dangerous

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 167-178
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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