Formy męsko- i żeńskoosobowe a niebinarni użytkownicy polszczyzny. U źródeł
nowych zjawisk leksykalno-gramatycznych we współczesnym języku polskim
Masculine and feminine forms versus non-binary users of Polish. Investigating
the origins of the new lexical and grammatical phenomena in the contemporary Polish language
Author(s): Andrzej S. DyszakSubject(s): Gender Studies, Sociolinguistics
Published by: Towarzystwo Miłośników Języka Polskiego
Keywords: masculine personal nouns; non-binary; personatives; gender-neutral grammatical forms;
Summary/Abstract: The article tackles the phenomena observed in contemporary Polish, which are the result of searching for ways to avoid the exclusion of non-binary people by linguistic forms. The starting point was the question of the correctness of using masculatives in relation to people of different genders, and, consequently, the issue of creating feminatives (as a counterweight to masculatives) and the avoidance of both by non-binary people, which is the subject of most of the article. The source of the linguistic material and presented analy- ses are texts from the “DUMA” (“THE PRIDE”) magazine, which is a kind of forum for gender non-normative people. The author of the article excerpted and described numerous personatives and other complex expres- sions (including hybrid compounds) and syntactic compounds constructed using numerous loanwords and neologisms (contrasting them with the contents of primarily definitional dictionaries of the Polish lan- guage). The author also presented examples of non-standard grammatical forms, which are proposed to avoid expressing a grammatical gender category.
Journal: Język Polski
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 32-47
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Polish