Ubój rytualny jest niehumanitarny
Ritual slaughter is inhumane
Author(s): Andrzej ELŻANOWSKISubject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: ritual slaughter; shechita; animal suffering; welfare compromise; exsanguination
Summary/Abstract: In reaction to publishing the article by P.T. Skoczykłoda(Zoophilologica nr 2 (10)/2022) whouses religious sources to demonstrate that Jewishritual slaughter or shechita does not harm animalsmore than the standard slaughter, and portraysthis stance as being compatible with science, theshechita is here compared to the standard slaughterin the light of current knowledge. All credibleresults of physiological experiments and systematicstudies of the real proces in the slughter-houses leave no doubt that the correct standardslaughter starting with stunning causes muchless suffering than any, even perfect cut withoutstunning which leaves an animal conscious withexcruiciating pain until the death by exsanguination.Several independent quantitative studies ofthe latter demonstrated, that stunning precedingthe cut does not affect either the rate or the finaleffect of exsanguination, which runs contrary tothe religious tales, and calls into question thevery religious sense of ritual slaughter. Systematicobservations in slaughterhouses show that bothstandard slaughter and shechita are prone tomalfunction that affects substantial numbers ofanimals and cause a great amount of additionalpain except that faulty stunning shots should andusually are corrected by a second shot whereas inshechita animals are left to die of exsanguinationwhatever the cause of their prolonged agony (usually20–80 seconds but sometimes much longer).In addition, the neck cut of a fully conscious animalnecessaitates complete restraint – whereas ina modern slaughterhouse the cow is compressedin a slaughter box, in the traditional shechita thecow had the muzzle shackled to the ground whilebeing suspended and hoisted by one hind leg,all of which is a torture made of pain and panic.This infamous, broadly used shackle-and-hoisttechnique, only recently banned in the USA andIsreal under the public pressure, contradicts theclaim that shechita is meant to alleviate animalsuffering.
Journal: ZOOPHILOLOGICA. Polish Journal of Animal Studies
- Issue Year: 2/2023
- Issue No: 12
- Page Range: 1-18
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Polish