Një studim mbi sjelljen e konsumatorëve të telefonisë mobile në Shqipëri
A study on the behavior of mobile phone consumers in Albania
Author(s): Elvira Tabaku, Shpëtim ÇerriSubject(s): Behaviorism, Sociology of Culture, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Globalization, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Shtëpia botuese “UET Press”
Keywords: Mobile telephony; trust; switching costs; Albania;
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the causal relationships between five constructs: service quality, trust of customers on the service provider, corporate image, customer loyalty and switching costs. The thorough review of the relevant literature conducted served to reflect the most recent scientific developments regarding these five constructs, as well as to build the appropriate measurement scales for them. Exploratory Factor Analysis – EFA was employed to reveal the underlying factor structure, while the Confirmatory Factor Analysis – CFA was used to estimate the generated factor structure. Finally, Structural Equations Modeling – SEM was used in order to test the hypothesis of this study. The testing results led to supporting the hypotheses formulated at the beginning of this study, which supposed positive casual relationships between the constructs of the model. The findings of this study confirmed the conclusions of other relevant studies, updated to Albanian and mobile telephony services context. Its results are beneficiary to services firms’ managers to better understand how their customers create their beliefs and judgments on service quality, corporate image, how they build their trust to services provider, and how they perceive the switching costs. In addition, the findings of this study make services companies aware on the casual relationships that exist between service quality, trust, image, loyalty, and switching costs.
- Issue Year: 12/2015
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 176-190
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Albanian