Posedimi dhe përdorimi i planeve ë biznesit me vështrim të veçantë në bizneset e Komunës së Istogut
Possession and use of business plans with a special focus on the businesses of the Municipality of Istog
Author(s): Zymer TAFAJI, Gentiana TOLAJSubject(s): National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Accounting - Business Administration, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Shtëpia botuese “UET Press”
Keywords: Business plan; financial plan; marketing plan; SWOT analysis;
Summary/Abstract: This project elaborates and explicate the subject of possession and use of businesses plans with special overview of the businesses in Istog municipality, it reflects the reality of possession of business plans and the application or uses of them to achieve certain goals. It is important to be informed with the result of the fact that many businesses develop activities in the traditional way without the using of management functions, by passing plans and planning stage. Basic research questions are: Have businesses of Istog municipality business plan? Have businesses activity relying on plans? But the main hypothesis (general hypothesis) are; Most of the businesses in the municipality of Istog does not possess business plans. Those businesses that have business plans try to implement them in the best way that is possible. The project is done in two parts. The first part refers to the collection of all the data that are related to the topic, the oretical part, while the second part deals with data collected in the field, empirical part. The data collected in the field are quantitatively where in surveyed 30 managers who manage businesses in the municipality of Istok from where are confirmed or denied the presumption.
- Issue Year: 12/2015
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 233-241
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Albanian