Modernizimi i shërbimeve publike nëpërmjet teknologjisë së informacionit dhe komunikimit. Rasti i Qeverisë Shqiptare
Modernization of public services through information and communication technology. The case of the Albanian Government
Author(s): Valmira OSMANAJ, Bashkim RUSETISubject(s): National Economy, Governance, Public Administration, Public Finances, Accounting - Business Administration, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Shtëpia botuese “UET Press”
Keywords: Public services; e-Government; e-Services; G2C; G2B;
Summary/Abstract: During the past several years, the approach that governments offer services to citizens and businesses has evolved significantly. This evolution has led to better quality of services as well as providing different channels to access them from their homes or offices, without being required to visit the service offices. The usage of ICT to deliver public services (e-Government) has many benefits such as: reduced bureaucracy, increased transparency and citizen’s involvement in governance and decision making processes. This study aims to evaluate the current level of sophistication of 20 basic public services of e-Government, defined by the European Union, and make a comparison of progress made since 2010. The methodology used in this study is the five-stage maturity model presented in eGovernment Benchmark Measurement Report of the European Union. For this purpose, we have analysed the official websites of the public institutions that are responsible for the provision of these services. One of the main findings of this study is that the services that have a high impact on businesses, such as business registration, tax declaration or public procurement, are offered at a high level of sophistication. On the other hand, services that have a high impact on citizen’s life, such as real estate, health services, economic aid and social assistance, affecting mainly the poorest strata of society, even though they had a significant progress in the last 3 year, the sophistication level for these services still remains very low.
- Issue Year: 11/2013
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 183-193
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Albanian