Sposoby wykorzystania filmu Damiana Bieńka Jan Kochanowski. Treny w procesie edukacyjno-wychowawczym
Ways to use Damian Bieniek’s film Jan Kochanowski. Threnodies in the educational process
Author(s): Magdalenia Marzec-JóźwickaSubject(s): Photography, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Sociology of Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Keywords: film education; film analysis and interpretation; educational project; students’ media skills;
Summary/Abstract: The article presents various ways of using the production of Damian Bieniek Jan Kochanowski. Treny in Polish high school education. Suggestions enable the development and improvement of students’ skills included in the core curriculum, among which the most important are the reception of film as a text of culture and activities related to it, such as: analysis of the structure of the film, reading its sense, main idea, information, and explicit and hidden meanings, presenting proposals for one’s own interpretation of this text of culture (literary, historical and cultural contexts) and young people’s own experiences. This text is a voice speaking to the need to improve film education in a modern school. The production has been used in it as an independent text of culture, around which lessons are conducted, a didactic aid helpful in traditional discussion of trains and a tool enabling the development of students’ Polish language skills and supporting the didactic and educational process organised by the teacher.
- Issue Year: 14/2023
- Issue No: 373
- Page Range: 147-166
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Polish